Smart Planning
Over 500 operators from 10 international companies use the ERABLE International Smart Planning tool.
Optimise investments and management of the electricity system by using advanced technologies, analytics, and data-driven decision-making. Smart planning aims to ensure that the power grid is able to meet the changing demands of electricity consumers in a reliable, efficient, and sustainable way. Some key elements include:
- Assets securing, short to long term, as a distribution operator
- Load balancing: using data to understand and influence electricity consumption patterns, and develop strategies to shift demand to when it is more cost-effective
- Renewable energy and Electric Vehicles integration: smart planning can help utilities optimise system operation. By using these approaches, utilities can implement smart planning strategies to improve the reliability, efficiency, and sustainability of the power grid.

Adapt constraints, technical losses and long-term network quality
Respond to needs by assessing network demand and load
Provide medium and long-term investment plans with a contingency plan
Our approach
Provide a customer tailored program based on the analysis of the load forecast study. Our experts draw up investment plans with an international technical-economic approach. In addition, we can update customer’s technical doctrine and transfer EDF’s know-how to our client.
Our Smart Planning services include:
- A Master Plan: helps to meet our clients’ network growth objectives, through security, supply quality and loss optimisation.
- A Contingency Plan: global asset analysis, urgent/critical investment assessment to restore supply standards. This plan helps to effectively solve network crises highly valuable for the DSO.
- Smart Planning Tool: network-planning software with innovative functions such as the integration of renewables and electric vehicles’ impact, technical-economic studies and geographic restitutions.
- Connection Studies: allow DSOs to assess grid capacity and pilot the impact of new connections (renewables, electric vehicles, sensitive industrial clients, etc.)
Benefits of Smart Planning for Distribution Network Operators
- Precise knowledge of loads flow and forecast
- Network- independent studies with transfer of know-how
- Improvement of supply quality
- Investment optimisation / CAPEX efficiency
- Strong improvement in network performance
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