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The project in Mozambique involves the deployment of an operational action plan in Maputo to reduce non-technical losses.
Our client, Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) is an integrated company responsible for the Production, Transmission, Distribution and Marketing of electricity throughout the country. 90% of the 2 million customers are equipped with prepayment meters.
“This is a real challenge for the EDF In teams. Our mission is to deploy an NTP management system, from the detection of NTPs based on customer data to their actual observation in the field, with supporting evidence. To do this, we have to carry out almost 230,000 censuses, analyse the associated data and carry out more targeted and in-depth inspections,” explains Christopher Ribeiro, Operations Manager for the project.
“When we arrived, we had to implement the subsidiary, recruit and train staff, and set up management and traceability tools. Nearly 40 employees are now operational and producing results for the customer! There’s still a lot to roll out and consolidate! The adventure continues“, explains Laurence VABRET, the project manager.
This project is the first major distribution project for EDF International Networks in southern Africa and could set a benchmark in the field of NTPs.